

约瑟夫·W. Seivold joined 棋牌游戏大全 as its sixth Headmaster in 2011. 他监管着一个欣欣向荣的, 占地86英亩的校园里有1名学生,408 students and approximately 300 教师 and staff. Under his leadership, Berkeley has grown into a nationally regarded, top-tier independent day school. Guided by an ambitious school Master Plan aimed to enhance the campus infrastructure and grow the endowment, Mr. Seivold played a key role in fundraising during two capital campaigns, 获得上述6500万美元 & Beyond campaign and nearly $30 million during the Berkeley Now, 棋牌游戏平台永远 effort. He has also helped launch and implement innovative programs and services like the 棋牌游戏大全, the Berkeley Center for Advanced Experiential Learning, 棋牌游戏平台食品储藏室, 适合不同年龄的人, 基于stem的学习项目.
除了领导棋牌游戏平台之外,Mr. Seivold serves on the Board of Directors of the Florida Council of Independent Schools, and teaches in FCIS’s Prospective Heads Institute. He is also on the advisory board of Theorem Media. Mr. Seivold graduated Phi Beta Kappa from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill with a degree in history, and he holds a master's degree in Education 政府 from St. 明尼苏达玛丽大学.  在北卡罗来纳大学期间. Seivold was an Academic All-American and a four-time All-American lacrosse player, and in October of 2021 he was inducted into the USA Lacrosse National 名人堂.
成立于1960年, 棋牌游戏平台是独立的, 圣公会, college-preparatory day school located in Tampa, FL, for boys and girls in grades Pre-Kindergarten through 12. Approximately 1,400 students gather here from the greater Tampa Bay area to form ONE Berkeley.